We can represent our customers at third party sites to supervise or inspect work during e.g. ship model tank tests. We know what to look out for and can make the right decisions for you.
about conmecs
conmecs provides customer focused engineering, advisory and supervisory services for continuum mechanical problems.
With the maritime industry as a main focus, the services will be extended to all industries.
For continuum mechanical issues, the general physics are industry-independent and even the material properties are often similar. E.g., the fluid mechanical principles governing the air, temperature and velocity distribution in a ventilated reefer cargo hold, an airplane cabin, engine room or in a concert hall are the same. The solutions simply require a different geometrical and boundary set-up.
conmecs was founded in 2017 and the current service offering will be expanded in the near future. Please visit the website regularly to stay informed about the range of services!
How can we assist you?
Ask me for any continuum mechanical engineering, advisory or supervisory support!

engineering services
Currently, we are focused on solving problems related to fluid mechanics with state-of-the-art CFD software based on RANSE methods.

advisory services
You ordered a CFD study from third parties and are not confident about how to assess the results? You are in discussions about a CFD documentation and need an independent expertise?

supervisory services
We can represent our customers at third party sites to supervise or inspect work during e.g. ship model tank tests. We know what to look out for and can make the right decisions for you.
conmecs supports Siemens Energy in R&D project

Siemens Energy Global GmbH & Co. KG is a leading global company that offers services for energy generation and transmission with a strong focus on renewable energies and solutions for the decarbonization of existing customer processes. Siemens Energy’s maritime division offers effective podded drives (PODs) for the shipping industry. Recently, Siemens Energy asked conmecs to support the CFD investigations in a R&D project.
rudder loads

The design of rudders are usually based on class society rules. The required, minimum rudder area is estimated in relation to the ship’s wetted lateral hull area. Rudder profiles come from old, successful shipbuilding projects. Rudder designs are often developed by another supplier, regardless of the propeller manufacturer. The positioning hull-propeller-rudder is traditionally based on experience from old projects.
RANS simulations of air ventilation for AERIUS Marine GmbH

AERIUS Marine GmbH is a market leader in design of maritime HVAC solutions and a global player in the fields of piping, refrigeration and fire protection. For a cruise liner project, AERIUS has asked conmecs to evaluate the ventilation system configuration of different passenger cabin designs.
relocation of main office

since 2019-01-01 conmecs main office moved to Solitüder Str. 116, 24944 Flensburg, Germany. A site office will persist in Turonenweg 34, 22459 Hamburg, Germany.
50″ motor yacht – performance in regular waves

Recently, conmecs investigated the performance of a 50″ pleasure yacht in regular waves. Next to the maximum accessible speed in waves @ a fixed thrust of 30kN, the passenger comfort due to ship motions and the acting loads resulting from slamming pressures were on focus of the project.
smoke gas propagation

The exhaust emissions from ships are not only discussed in terms of GHG (greenhouse gas) reductions. The operators of offshore supply vessels (OSV) are concerned about their technical employees who work primarily on deck and are exposed to the exhaust. In addition to these health matters, yacht and cruise ship operators want to avoid that passengers be disrupted by the smell of exhaust gases.
energy saving devices (ESD)

There are a lot of different energy saving devices (ESD) on the market, e.g. pre-swirl fins, ducts (Schneekluth, Mewis), and post-swirl devices (costa bulbs, rudder fins and hub fins). The suppliers promise efficiency rates, which lie within achieved rates of former projects and the spread is often relatively high, e.g. savings of “2 up to 6%”. For ship owners it is difficult to decide, which device is the best solution for their particular ship design.
proof of MEPC.259(68) compliance

According to MEPC.259(68) the pH discharge criteria of scrubber systems can be approved by computational fluid dynamics or other equally scientifically established empirical formulae. Conmecs provides the calculation and documentation according to these requirements. If desired, conmecs can also take over the communication with the associated class society.
reefer cargo hold ventilation

About ten years ago the proper ventilation of perishable goods was an issue for some ship owners and operators. Many reefer cargo hold ventilation systems were designed with a weak performance and the cooling units of containers failed during transport due to intake temperatures above the cooling units maximum design temperature. This problem has been solved for many container ships due to the design of ventilation systems according to new regulations, which take into account conservative fresh air volume rates.
computing ship motions and loads

Using a RANSE code with a coupled 6-DOF solver, we provide numerical analyses of loads acting on floating structures.
wake analysis

If you need a reliable nominal wake field for the design of your propeller, we provide CFD wake field analysis in model and/or full-scale.
monitoring model tank tests

You do not have time to attent an important tank test? The model tank is too far away from your office? You are not sure what to look out for during the tests?